Tuesday 21 June 2011

Software to Block All Porn - Does it Really Block All Porn?

Swing Station USA Top Five Dating Services  The ability to block all porn is an empowerment wished for by any well-meaning and caring parent. And software that is designed to be able to block all porn websites is the secret weapon that these parents look for to accomplish this ability. You want to be able to protect your children from not only pornography websites, but also from other content that you, as guardian of your children's early experiences in life, deem inappropriate to them. This means that only you can decide what, other than pornography, you don't want your children exposed to. This might include hate sites, sites that promote violence and weapons making, even sites about how to enlarge certain body parts.
The internet is full of garbage, like a gigantic digital cyber-landfill. Think of two things, to put this into perspective. Think first how large the internet is, the billions of pages. Then add to this thought the fact that roughly twelve percent of those web pages are pornographic in nature. Not pseudo pornographic, but hardcore pornography. It is no wonder that porn is a multimillion dollar industry. The number of porn sites is growing by hundreds per minute. That's right...per minute. The reason I share this with you is because, when you go looking for the right software to block all porn, there are things you need to know about this kind of software and what makes it tick.
Software to block all porn works this way: you visit a website, and the software checks its internal list of no-no sites. If it sees the website, or webpage, that you are trying to access in its database, it denies access. Simple, right? Sure, until you consider all those hundreds of sites being added to the internet every minute after you get your software to block all porn. Will these new sites be on that list after you purchase the software? An important point to keep in mind, I would say. If your software to block all porn doesn't have the ability to update its database of questionable content, then in my opinion, this porn blocking software is as useless as a glass of water in a fresh water lake.
When looking into software to block all porn, look into whether or not it has these features: make sure that not only does it check the web address of a site or page, but that it actually reviews the site itself for questionable images and content. Make sure it has the ability to update its database to add all those hundreds of new pages per minute to its database, so that you keep up to date on all the garbage piling up online. Make sure, too, that your software doesn't just include porn, but will include the likes of violence promotion, hate mongering, racial slandering, weapons making and even those penis enlargement ads. Get rid of it all!
You might be frozen into inaction right now, after reading this information. Don't be afraid of what is out there. Be more afraid of what is coming in and do something about it, immediately. Do it before it becomes too late and what seems to your child like mild curiosity turns into a damaging addiction.